Hon'ble Mr Justice Syed Mansoor Ali Shah has been a practicing advocate at the Supreme Court of Pakistan and at the High Courts of since 2003 and 1991 respectively (not appearing before the Supreme Court of Pakistan or the High Courts since the illegal action against the judiciary since 3rd November, 2008). He handles both corporate and civil litigation and corporate transactional services with same dexterity. He has argued over 2000 cases at the superior courts in areas of Judicial Review, Constitutional law, Civil law, Corporate Governance, Banking, Arbitration (ADR), Property law, Land Acquisition, Land Revenue, Family law, Privatization, Taxation-Sales Tax, Customs, Excise, Income Tax, Insurance, Environment, Finance, Foreign Investment, Intellectual Property and Public Interest Litigation. He is equally involved in transactional work and policy consultancies for international and local clients. In addition to aforesaid areas he has advised various prominent clients on WTO- Trade Defense Laws i.e., Anti-Dumping, Safeguards, Subsidies and Countervailing, Energy, Information Technology, Telecommunication, Social Sector Development, Empowerment of the Civil Society, Legal Education and Reform, Transparency, Devolution, Tax Reform, Legal & Judicial Reform, Micro Finance & Not-for-Profit Laws. The focus of legal work over the years has been pro development and therefore consultancies and teaching has contributed to the development of law and the society at large.
Professional Qualifications
Licensed to appear as an Advocate in the High Courts in Pakistan, 1991.
Licensed to appear and plead before the Supreme Court of Pakistan, August, 2003
Educational Qualifications
B.A/ M.A. (Law) Cambridge University, U.K. (Downing College), 1989-91.
M.A (Economics)- University of the Punjab, Lahore. 1988.
LL.B - University of the Punjab, Law College, Lahore. 1986-88. (Gold Medal)
B.A (Mathematics and French), University of the Punjab, 1984
High School - Aitchison College, Lahore. 1968-1981
Work Experience
Founding Partner AFRIDI, SHAH & MINALLAH, (Advocates and Legal Consultants) 1997-
Partner, Syed Mansoor Ali Shah & Associates, 1991-1997
PROPERTY LAW AND LAND ACQUISITON Challenged several land acquisitions against public interest before the High Court and the Supreme Court of Pakistan and also advised companies on land acquisition. Have been involved in several property transactions.
LEGAL STRUCTURING: Legal Disbursement Structure for UNICEF to disburse funds to Children used as child camel jockeys and now returned by UAE to Government of Pakistan– December, 2007
URBAN PLANNING AND THE SUPREME COURT: petitioned to the Supreme Court of Pakistan (2006) against illegal construction of high rise building in Lahore. This led to development of the High-rise Building Commission and all the multi-storeyed buildings of Lahore under construction were stopped and inspected by the august Court through the Commission (also invoking their suo moto powers). This led to demolition of several illegal buildings and structures. The case is still pending.
PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION AND SAVING OF A PARK: Stopped the conversion and construction of a cineplex in a public park in Gulberg i.e., Doongi Ground. 2006 (case is still pending).
ALTERNATE DISPUTE RESOLUTION: Sat as Chairman, Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee-II for Income Tax. 2005-07 and settled a number of disputes. Appointed by the Federal Board of Revenue, Federal Government, Islamabad.
CORPORATE GOVERNANCE: Board Member of Pakistan Telecommunications Company Limited (PTCL) largest telecom in the country 2003 to 2006. Was an enriching experience in the area of telecom and related regulatory issues. Helped revamp and restructure the legal cell at PTCL and worked on the Voluntary Severance Scheme (VSS) for 55,000 PTCL employees.2003-2006
LEGAL EDUCATION: Member of the Steering Committee for setting up of Lums Law School. 2001-2005
CONSULTANCY (TAXATION): Lead Consultant in Reforming and Re-Engineering Sales Tax Regime. 1999-2000
COSULATANCY (URBAN PLANNING): Legal design for the urban planning and development of five major cities of Punjab- Urban Unit, Government of Punjab, 2008.
NOT FOR PROFIT SECTOR: Worked for Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PCP) to review and revise the laws relating to philanthropy Pakistan. Also for the first time converted a Public Trust (Brook Hospital for Animals) into a Charitable Company under section 42 of the Companies Ordinance. 1999. Have set up and advise a number of not for profit organizations.
CONSTITUTIONAL LITIGATION: Argued and won the landmark case against freezing of Foreign Currency Accounts before the Hon’ble Lahore High Court. 1998-1999.
LEGISLATION: Drafted law for the SMEs in the initial stages of formation of SMEDA. 1998
BANKING: Challenged the vires of the 1984 Banking Law, which was struck down by the Lahore High Court as being in violation of the Constitution.
HOSTILE TAKEOVER: Filed the first case under the hostile Take Over law in Pakistan before the SECP and have successfully stalled the take over. The case is pending.
CORPORATE LITIGATION: Are pioneers in filing the first petition for mismanagement and oppression and investigation under the company law before the Lahore High Court (these judgments are reported).